Simulation Related Tools

Movie Related Tools

Video Lan Client

This tool is one of the most flexible that can plan and transform a large variety of video content.


/Applications/ ../ --video-filter=scene --vout=dummy --no-repeat --scene-ratio=6 --rate=0.01 --scene-prefix="drone"  --scene-path=./ vlc://quit

$PathToVLC PathToVideo$

/Applications/ ../ --video-filter=scene --vout=dummy --no-repeat --scene-ratio=300 --rate=8 --scene-prefix="drone"  --scene-path=./ vlc://quit

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4Quant Use Cases

A few of the examples of technology that 4Quant has been developing.


Geographic Information Systems


Real-time QA



Kevin Mader is the founder of 4Quant and a lecturer in the X-ray Microscopy Group within the Department for Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at ETH Zurich. His research focuses on turning big hairy 3D images into simple, robust, reproducible numbers without resorting to black boxes or magic. In particular, as part of several collaborations, he is currently working on automatically segmenting full animal zebrafish images, characterizing rheology in 3D flows, and measuring viral infection dynamics in cell lines.